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You will find our gluten free products at the following outlets


Bono Foodie: 21 St James Street, Brighton 01273 698007



Cafe Rendezvous: 24 Duke street, Brighton



Ginger & Dobbs: 31 -32 East street, Shoreham 01273 453359


Grattitude Tree: 9 Richardson Rd, Hove 01273 933910


S.A Devesons: 60 High Street, Rottingdean, East Sussex  01273 303257


That Little Tea Shop in the lanes: 17 Meeting House Lane, Brighton


Seed 'n' Sprout: 82 St Georges Road, Brighton 01273 945833


Seasons Forest Row: Medway house, Forest Row, East Sussex. 01342 824673


Cavalier of Sussex: Rottingdean, East Sussex. 01273 309223


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